At the 2023 annual poker run, proceeds from the event went towards the new playground equipment project sponsored by Beatty General Improvement District (BGID for short). This proposed project will remove old playground equipment installed many, many years back and will be a welcome addition to the Beatty Park and has been in the works for several years. After BGID finalized their plans, BOE voted to pledge $7,000.00 to the project. It is anticipated to break ground in February or March, 2024.
At the 2023 annual poker run, the attendance was phenomenal. With this said, the need for an official staging area was discussed. Thoughts & locations were discussed. It was determined that the Beatty General Improvement District unused BMX land would be a great location.
The potential funding would be thru a grant with Nevada OHV Commission, with help from Nevada Off Road Association (NVORA. The next grant cycle with the OHV commission is in July. Stay tuned for further results.